Sunday Worship in Church – Booking Required

ST MARY & ALL SAINTS CHURCH Church Street, Bingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

Starting on Sunday, 6th September 2020, and in line with Government and Church of England requirements, it is planned to re-open our Church for a regular Sunday service. Please see this news item for details of arrangements and how to book in.

Church open for Private Prayer

ST MARY & ALL SAINTS CHURCH Church Street, Bingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

In preparation for the church opening for worship on a Sunday, the church will now be open between 1pm and 2pm on a Wednesday, for Private Prayer. Please check the News section of the website and Facebook page for the latest information. Thanks

Communion Service in Church – Booking Required

Starting on Sunday, 6th September 2020, and in line with Government and Church of England requirements, it is planned to re-open our Church for a regular Sunday service. The 4th Sunday of the month will be a communion service. Please see this news item for details of arrangements and how to book in.